1st International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media: From Biology to Synthetic Materials

The European Union’s training network BiosmartTrainee organizes an international conference on adhesion in aqueous media on september 9-12 2019. The conference will highlight the main results of the research of the training network but also the work of 4 plenary, 11 invited and more than 40 contributed speakers who will share their most exciting results. In addition, a poster session for roughly 100 posters and a lot of time for discussion will be allotted.
The call for abstracts is now open until Aprils 1st on the website: www.aam2019.org


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International Summer School

The Global Station of Soft Matter, joint research unit between the University of Hokkaido (Japan), the ESPCI and several Universities of North (…) 

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Sacrificial Bonds to Toughen Elastomers

Etienne Ducrot and Costantino Creton of the Laboratory of Soft Matter Science and Engineering of the ESPCI ParisTech in collaboration with Yulan (…) 

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